Monday, November 29, 2004

The Purpose of This Divine Blog

Some of you suckas have been complaining that this blog in which divine wisdom is translated into words serves no purpose. To those who actually hold that sick and illegitimate thought, I have this to say:

Who was the first to tell you about the greatness of the new De La Soul album? The Roosta

Who was the intelligent being that informed you about the truth of the current U.S. government? The Roosta

Who prophesized the loss of John Kerry? The Roosta

Who reminded you that Boyz II Men was tight? The Roosta

Who did you first hear from about the BOOM BOOM BANG and the Good Vibes Revolution? The Roosta

The list goes on and on. With my last post being an exception, this blog does not contain pointless bitching. It is here to inform and expand the human brain, as simplistic as it sounds. I do not limit these posts to one subject, how else could an open-minded approach be maintained? Yes, this blog has more than purpose itself.

To those who find nothing in this blog: you already have nothing. I am not suggesting that you live a pointless life, but its probably likely. I do have pity in you and do not advocate bad vibes. May your soul have a shine of mercy.

The Roosta has spoken his sermon for the day.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Roosta Done Pulled a Jack

I hate it when people apply the phrase "same difference" to two things which are similar. Man, I could go on all day about how non-def it is to use that phrase.

Do you want to know why?

'Cause it makes no sense at all! Its like walking around with your head in the clouds (makes no sense at all!). Apply my logic to your newly-expanded brain: when Being #1 brings up the lead singer of Bon Jovi and calls him "Bon Jovi", Being #2 retorts: "His name is John Bon Jovi!" The response from being #1 should be "He's the same person in which I'm refering to!"

Now thats logical! What wouldn't be logical is if Being #2 stated "Same difference!" Why wouldn't that be logical? Because differences can't be the same thing!!! Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

On another note, I need a haircut!


Monday, November 15, 2004

Old Dirty Bastard Ain't Nothin' Ta Fuck Wit'


All I have to say is that Old Dirty Bastard was the shit. Its really too bad that Wu-Tang must go on without him (even though he wasn't in their last few albums). Peace Dirty, this one is for you (pour, pour).

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Chris is a Sucka MC

To all of you who don't know, the comment on my last post was by sucka MC Fatty AKA Chris. Here is my mini-retort:

Chris, on your self I piss,
When it comes to rhymes you always miss,
Man, you is so easy to diss,
You is one stupid-ole bitch ass priss.

To the fool who comment on my "11 States Ban Gay-Marriage" post (Chris) this message is for you:

There will be no hate on the Roosta's webposts. There will be no Chris on the Roosta's webposts.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Teaser

Before you decide to skip this post because of the quality pertaining to the Star Wars Prequels, you gotta check out this:

It is a well-known fact that the last 2 Star Wars flicks haven't been great. Episode I was for the little toddlers. Episode II did have Yoda, but not much more. Of course these new ones can't compare to the original Holy Trilogy. Lucas really let his fans down with The Phantom Menace, and slightly improved with Attack of the Clones. But it is apparent that fans have been pissed for a while. I know I have.

But there is still hope. There is another. I checked out the teaser for Episode III. I know its just a teaser, but this movie looks BADASS. Anyone who felt betrayed by the previous installments, especially those who are Star Wars geeks, should check it out.

The Good Vibes Revolution

The simplicity of good nature. For my lack of readers, you may have noticed that in the last couple of posts I have talked about an upcoming revolution. Yes, I may sound crazy, but this world is crazy. By revolution, I don't mean some sort of militant "lets create anarchy and choas" revolution. No, the one I'm talking about has to do with peace and tranquility. This shall be referred to as the BOOM BOOM BANG. The title may sound violent, but it is just the opposite. Under the BOOM BOOM BANG, peace and tranquility will be the goal. Yeah, some may call me a dreamer, but I'm not the only one....

Let me explain the reasoning behind this title. The first BOOM symbolizes the destruction of the atrocities which run our current society. These will be destroyed the minute people realize that they no longer want to subject themselves to society as whores. The fact is, most of us realize we are whores, yet we do nothing about it. There is a line in the film "Waking Life" in which an anonymous being asks "Have you ever gotten up, gone to a regular long day of work, got home and are ready to rest, and then wake up again, realizing that this normal day was a dream and you have to start the same thing from scratch again? Its bad enough that your forced to sell your waking hours for minimum wage, but worse when they steal your dreams." That may not be the exact qoute, but you get the picture. The point is, we must work to not feel like nothings in society, even if we truly are.

The second BOOM then symbolizes the death of the corporation. There will be a new beginning, and corporations will have nothing to do with it. Sure, they will still exist, we will just make sure they don't control us. The lobbyists will not exist. They will die.

The BANG symbolizes the dawning of a new era. Yes, violence will always exist. But this society will work to NOT advocate it, unlike our current society.

There you have it. The BOOM BOOM BANG. As simple an idea as Ghandi's. Yes, its optimistic, but humans need to do all they can in order to achieve a goal. Its all about Humanism. Star Trek advocates it, and so do I.

Optimism's a good thing. However distant and impossible a goal seems, it should still be strived for. Hell, thats better than giving up. See, when you are 5, your mother asks you "What do you want to be when you grow up?" You respond "I want to be a doctor." We all know that the goal is very hard. Does that make your mother say "That is a very hard goal."? No! And while your growing up, your mother will most likely still support your goals. Do good friends ever tell you "You could never become a lawyer?" Not likely, most friends support their friends decisions, even if it includes a whole lot of work and planning.

You catch my flow, I'm out.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Roosta's Music Review

De La Soul has always been definitive alternative rappers. With the all-time classic "3 Feet High and Rising", perhaps the greatest rap album ever, De La created a new style for hip-hop that arguably influenced every underground rapper of the time. In the '90s, De La Soul remained in the underground, making each new album radically different from the previous. While reading reviews for their new album, "The Grind Date", I realize that critics are still shocked that the hippie image of "3 Feet High and Rising" has been abandoned. C'mon! They abandoned this image with their sophmore effort, "De La Soul Is Dead". That was 13 years ago! Critics are still expecting "3 Feet High and Rising: Part 2", which is ridiculous. Did the Beatles try for another "Sgt. Pepper's"? When groups try to re-create a successful album, it usually comes out worse (Michael Jackson's "Bad", for example).

After "De La Soul Is Dead" was released, De La Soul was supposed to be free from the ongoing "hippie" image which was always expected. But instead, people stopped listening to them. However, the loss of listeners lead to greater artistic creativity. 1993's "Buhloone Mindstate" (the last album featuring a production by Prince Paul) showed that the Plugs were expanding their creative and artistic abilities. 1996's "Stakes Is High" was De La's version of what a solid straight-up hip-hop album should be. Then, in 2000, Maseo, Posdnous, and Dave (formerly Trugoy), were back on the map with a single entitled "Oooh". This single was featured on the album "Art Official Intelligence: Mosiac Thump", the first of an epic 3-part series. The AOI series showcased De La Soul experimenting with many sounds, as they staid true to their form. In 2001, "AOI: Bionix" was released as the second installment, and arguably surpassed the previous release.

And now comes "The Grind Date". Since De La were kicked off of their record label for not being commercial enough, AOI 3's release has been put back. And "The Grind Date" hits as a direct response to their former label's decision. Most of the songs hit as a bitter response to the way commercialism has effected the art of the MC. And one things for sure, this album was made to please the Roosta.

Not only does De La add an extra album before the release of AOI 3, but they make it one of their most solid releases to date. I don't want to sound cocky, but I feel I am one of the only persons in this world who gives one single care about what the group continues to do. They have never let the Roosta down, and "The Grind Date" proves my point. As a Spike Lee fan, I never would have thought he was going to collaborate with De La Soul, but he does. Lee provides a def introduction of himself and De La Soul at the beginning of the track entitled "Church". Flava Flav appears on the track "Come On Down", and makes the claim that De La Soul is back on the map, Long Island is back on the map, and, most importantly, old-school rap is back on the map. I would have never expected to see Flava Flav on a De La track.

As for the album's music, this is solid as hell. The rappers sound more and more legendary with each album to come. De La Soul are true geniuses and prophets of their time. I suggest you buy everything they have to offer.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bad Vibes for the Season

As we all know, this has been a horrible election. Bush has now made a record in recieving the highest popular vote in US History (beating even Reagan). No, he didn't even need to steal it this time. As I posted below, 11 states banned gay marriage. Yes, First Avenue in Minneapolis is closed. Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic Minority Leader, loses his own state as an incumbent. On the day of Kerry's conciet, former Vice Presidental candidate and once-again Senator John Edwards learns that his wife is diagnosed with breast cancer. The Republicians now control the House and Senate by a larger margain. The Religious Right Crusade is gaining up on us. And 4 more years of Bush.....4 more years of Bush......

Now is time for the Revolution. No, not a revolution of the Democrats, but a revolution of the BOOM BOOM BANG. We will all protest naked. We will throw all propoganda away, whether it has to do with politics or comsumer products. We cannot remain whores any longer. Do not lose your hope, for true freedom has just begun. The dawning of a new era. For those of you ready to move to Canada, DON'T! DROP THOSE BAGS AND UNPACK THEM! This is no threat towards America, NO! We will stay together and FUCK THE SYTEM. Right up the ass, yes we will.

Sorry to speak the profane, but the messege is key. We will not let the Gestapo take away our freedom! Roosta says STAND UP! I want all gay couples to increase their sexual habits. I want all marijuana smokers to do so in the streets. Those who are willing to take mind-expanding drugs, do so publicly, but be careful. Roosta says; "No Violence is advocated".

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

11 States Ban Gay Marriage

Gee, America has very come far in the realm of Civil Rights and Personal Liberties, hasn't it?

The Future

Obama 2008!