Saturday, November 19, 2005

Minnesota Crime Wave: The Unedited Version

I apologize for the boredom of the last post. I actually copied and pasted an essay I had to write covering the "Minnesota Crime Wave" event for my Creative Writing class. That doesn't sound very creative for a blog post, does it? For that reason I decided to make another version that my teacher wouldn't read; something uncensored. Writers can never express their true beauty when writing on someone else's standards. This time its my turn to show you the true beauty of my writing written on my OWN standards, instead of my TA's. So if the last post was the censored, "I'm gonna get a good grade" version, consider this the uncensored, "raw" version. I must warn you, the following could be very offensive to some:

Minnesota Crime Wave is the biggest pile of bullshit fuck in Minnesota. The fat bitch that was very Minnesotan (I can't remember her fucking name) was shitty. Fucking horseshit donkey piss; what a whore. All of the stories sucked dick. The novel Silence of the Loons is most likely the kind of bullshit pussy garbage that you expect. Fuck that shit. A bunch of corny shitballs. Fuck the literary movement. They can suck my dick.
All of the local literary followers are pussies. Those at the Loft Library Center (where this bullshit garbage took place) are a bunch of square dickheads. What a waste of my fucking time. Fuck that bullshit fucking asshole dumbass fuck. Fuck my Creative Writing class and fuck the whole fucking program. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. All of those dickheads are pussy-eaters.
I remember when I first walked into the door of the Loft Center, and I saw a pig. Why was there a pig at the fucking Loft. Since when do fuckos' go to the Loft? Fuck the Loft, this class, and this essay.

I hope now you realize that this shorter, yet to-the-point essay would be what I would turn in to my TA if it wasn't for the bias tendencies of the U's Creative Writing program. They would label this as "trash" and dismiss it entirely. If they want to be bias and base a whole program on their own literary standards, then let the injustice continue.


At 1:52 AM, Blogger MC Harv said...

Fuck dick and cock! Balls! Habit-forming cunt-lingus! Semen! Uh, fuck!

More swearing!


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