Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Roosta Done Pulled a Jack

I hate it when people apply the phrase "same difference" to two things which are similar. Man, I could go on all day about how non-def it is to use that phrase.

Do you want to know why?

'Cause it makes no sense at all! Its like walking around with your head in the clouds (makes no sense at all!). Apply my logic to your newly-expanded brain: when Being #1 brings up the lead singer of Bon Jovi and calls him "Bon Jovi", Being #2 retorts: "His name is John Bon Jovi!" The response from being #1 should be "He's the same person in which I'm refering to!"

Now thats logical! What wouldn't be logical is if Being #2 stated "Same difference!" Why wouldn't that be logical? Because differences can't be the same thing!!! Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

On another note, I need a haircut!



At 7:34 PM, Blogger MC Harv said...

Oh, god, don't get me fucking started on "same difference". I hate that more than anything in the world! You totally pulled a me there, Midwaye.

At 1:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh. six of one, half a dozen of the other.


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