Thursday, November 04, 2004

Bad Vibes for the Season

As we all know, this has been a horrible election. Bush has now made a record in recieving the highest popular vote in US History (beating even Reagan). No, he didn't even need to steal it this time. As I posted below, 11 states banned gay marriage. Yes, First Avenue in Minneapolis is closed. Senator Tom Daschle, the Democratic Minority Leader, loses his own state as an incumbent. On the day of Kerry's conciet, former Vice Presidental candidate and once-again Senator John Edwards learns that his wife is diagnosed with breast cancer. The Republicians now control the House and Senate by a larger margain. The Religious Right Crusade is gaining up on us. And 4 more years of Bush.....4 more years of Bush......

Now is time for the Revolution. No, not a revolution of the Democrats, but a revolution of the BOOM BOOM BANG. We will all protest naked. We will throw all propoganda away, whether it has to do with politics or comsumer products. We cannot remain whores any longer. Do not lose your hope, for true freedom has just begun. The dawning of a new era. For those of you ready to move to Canada, DON'T! DROP THOSE BAGS AND UNPACK THEM! This is no threat towards America, NO! We will stay together and FUCK THE SYTEM. Right up the ass, yes we will.

Sorry to speak the profane, but the messege is key. We will not let the Gestapo take away our freedom! Roosta says STAND UP! I want all gay couples to increase their sexual habits. I want all marijuana smokers to do so in the streets. Those who are willing to take mind-expanding drugs, do so publicly, but be careful. Roosta says; "No Violence is advocated".


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