Tuesday, April 19, 2005

"Life's A Bitch & Then You Die, That's Why We Get High"

It's so easy to take the anti-humanist view (this shit should pump you up);

Humans are fucking vermin. When a human has to work, all they do is complain of how terrible work is. When a human has nothing to do, all they do is complain about how mindlessly bored they are. The workaholic observes the bored as "lucky", the bored one observes the work as "lucky". Check this dialogue:

George: I'm soooooo bored, I've had nothing to do today!

Nancy: Well aren't you lucky! I worked 72 hours last week! This gives me a reason to be bitter and crabby! I wish I could lay around all day like you!

George: I've had nothing to do all day, I've yet to stand up. Its a beautiful day outside, yet I've just been sitting here in darkness jacking off to internet. My life is worthless, I have an excuse to be bitter and crabby! I wish I had work to do!

Nancy: You are worthless, a terrible waste!

George: You've sold yourself to money, your overwork is unnecessary! It's unhealthy!

Nancy: You have nothing to sell yourself to! It's unhealthy!

You judgemental sonofabitch. You are not worthy. Vermin. Go drink yourself to stupidity. Ignore the sacred herb of life and continue to drink poison. Just like you!

Are humans only designed for work and boredom? The two things humans despise the most are all that they're capable to comprehend. Unless the figure out a pathway. Step away from prepackaged humanity and use aids to grasp the infinite.

You won't listen, there is no hope.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Marijuana came from God, Beer came from man - Which (I)s more just?

god is in body, completely inside, uttering nothing god has paid my price, and for that he ceases to exist for that god is nothing but our allusion, for identification when confused god is a simple joke
(something is missing)
this was a logic of thinking, until Jah Here And Everafter I the Great has boiled Him/Herself inside caRbon veins! You are the light everyone is in need to look for SHUT UP!
… … … … … … … … …
Jah the Ever-Living Hereafter, come surprise the ones set for a long time of sorrow, let Me survive through Your Power – I and I are the two strongest ones left in this world. Come on over Come on over Come on over Come on over Come on over

Jude walked to the shopping mall. “Let’s puff on some tea”, said he. The mall was a place of mind-distracting material, a joint that would really cause stumbling. As Billy smoked marijuana with only himself and God, he thought of all that God/Jah/Everafter stood for and all the His followers meant. They turned my contact into authority. We used to be like Brothers!!! Why can’t we be like this anymore? These peers of mine have distanced US. How could you let that happen? SHUT THE FUCK UP! No! You Quit Bothering Me! LEAVE ME AS be!
If only Jude’s good acquaintances knew he was doing terrible things. If God knew He would kill me. God does know, and He did kill me. NONONONONONO!

It is most notable that Jude’s peers have affected his righteous views.

Monday, April 11, 2005

No Midwaye "isms"

There are no "isms" in reality, they are all just man's simplifying of what is real. The only philosophy that I have a firm belief in is called "Babylon". I don't simplify it in a rastaman's terminology (much love to the rastas). No, babylon is everything in this world that is corrupt; surely there is a cause? The cause of global corruption can be attributed to a numerous amount of causes; it is easiest to collaborate of these evil causes into one word: "Babylon".

But you must know that Babylon exists! Surely those who do not know are of the foolish. Yes, as the last sentence indicates I have been studying the Qu'ran, ever noble book of Allah. The truth about religion is that there are two different types, and they can be characterised into two groups: (1) Recognition of Higher Being and (2) Unfolding the Powers that be Within. Many categorize these as (a) Western and (b) Eastern. So many bitter Christian-haters view these Eastern Religions as completely innocent, but Babylon reins in them. At the same time I have talked to Evangelists who have focused on pointing out the atrocities in Eastern Religions, yet they are blind to the Babylon which is present in their beliefs.

The moral of the story; recognize Babylon! Surely one who is blind to Babylon is blind to the world as it truely stands. One may ask, "Why would God give us this Babylon? Surely God is an asshole to confuse us!" I say "Surely you are weak-minded by assuming a Higher Power would approach one of It's Own as fools!"

So what's the point of life? To continue discovering the hidden truths. Is one capable of discovering the complete truth? Yes and No, respectively. Each individual has a personal truth of their own; each of these personal truths compromise One Truth. This Complete Truth is beyond comprehension of the human understanding, which is why we each have seperate truths that only concern ourselves as individuals. That is why Humans are so selfish.

But I ask you one thing, is it selfish to discover the Inner Truth?

All praises are due to the One and Everlasting Jah.