Friday, February 04, 2005

Follow the Wind

If you take the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. The bible is the wind.

Wine kills.

Native spirituality was suppressed by the U.S. and Canadian governments. Spiritual leaders ran the risk of jail sentences of up to 30 years for simply practicing their rituals. This came to an end in the U.S. in 1978 when the Freedom of Religion Act was passed.

The U.S. had to pass a Freedom of Religion Act? Seperation of Church and State doesn't prevail.

The Native American Church is a continuation of the ancient Peyote Religion which had used a cactus with psychedelic properties called peyote for about 10,000 years. Incorporated in 1918, its original aim was to promote Christian beliefs and values, and to use the peyote sacrament. Although use of peyote is restricted to religious ritual which is protected by the US Constitution, and it is not harmful or habit forming, and has a multi-millennia tradition, there has been considerable opposition from Christian groups, from governments, and from within some tribes.

A nice response: "If your religion isn't like ours, which gives alcohol to minors (alcohol is safe, remember?), then its not a legal religion!"

Let's blame the destruction of football on Ricky Williams! How selfish is he to not want his fans (many of them kids who percieve him as a role model) to know he smoked pot! How terrible it is that this man was smart enough to not destroy his inner self through greed and power! Fuck you Williams, your purpose is only to entertain us!


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