Monday, October 18, 2004


Today, we as a nation are stuck in an era where both major political parties have more similarities than differences. Americans are stuck in a lack of a sixth party system. The previous five were defined by specific event which either pushed one party ahead of the other or made complete changes to American Democracy (they are Jeffersonian Democrats, Jacksonian Democrats, Lincoln elected as 3rd party candidate, the Progressives, FDR's "New Deal"). Not since the "New Deal" has there been a single event or cause that has dramatically changed either the Democrats or Republicans. As time rolls by, both parties have become more and more like each other.

That is why I have a new propostition: the Democrats and Republicians of America should set aside their minimal differences and join hands. Just think: both parties are controlled by lobbyists, both usually support each other when they're not in an election season (look at how the war was started), and both suck major ass! Yes, there are a few Democrats and (need I say) Republicans out there who actually believe in what they stand for, but those suckers are more than outnumbered! Its time to change the system!

Voting for Kerry is just because Bush is more conservative about his issues than the average Republician (look at his stance on stem-cell research, etc). Another thing I'd like to state: in local elections, party affiliation seems to be less of a way to define a politician rather than their actual stance on issues. Don't get me wrong, it is still a problem, just not as much as it is on a national level.

To those who think I'm crazy: you can continue to blindly elect your Democrats and Republicans with the thought that something will actually change, you can still support the Democrats thinking they really give a damn about the everyday American people, but when they fuck you in the ass, remember that I'll be the one sitting in the corner, whispering melodically: "I told you so".


At 2:10 PM, Blogger MC Harv said...

I feel dirty feeling like I have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Oh well, I'm voting absentee, which means my vote will probably be mysteriously "misplaced" anyway.

The problem I've noticed with many people is that they vote on a single issue. Most southern republican voters are lower to middle class and Bush's policies will not help them in any way. However, Bush hates all the same people they hate, so he gets their vote. A friend of a friend called random people in southern swing states to try to get them to not vote for Bush. One person she called said she was voting for Bush, and the friend-friend asked why. "Well, Bush hates the fags." Wow. Way to go, voting public.

Many people I've met who are voting for Bush are against the war, against his tax cut for the rich, and against several of Bush's policies. However, they are pro-choice or anti-gay, and thus will put up with all the other Bush-shit based on these unconstitutional moral outrages.

Fuckin' a.


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