Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Dark Days

Have you been following the debates? If so you'll know that the President is being excuted to supreme fashion among gloirious mistakes. Yes, that last sentence makes as much sense as the debates. First of all, John Kerry has been doing well; it's as simple as that. He's not as much of a doushbag as the public takes him out to be, and I believe the debates have proven this. Not that he's not an ass, he is. Kerry just isn't a complete ass. That also doesn't mean that these debates aren't needless, fake, and childish, because to a certain degree they still are. Enough said.

Doesn't it piss you off when pro-life, anti-sodomy, pro-"Jesus says Fuck You" protestors are holding gigantic posters of dead fetuses half a block away from an elementary school? I guess it goes to show that Americans really have no sense of decency. I have been approached by many crazy fools who tell me statistics of how Democrats lie. I KNOW THEY LIE! Now get it through your thick skull that Republicians lie! Damn that two-party system to Hell, I'm not a two-way freak! Many crazy Fundementalists tell you that a vote for Kerry means you're going to hell. The fool is Roman Catholic!

By the way, I would like everyone to know that I'm running for County Supervisor for Soil and Water Conservation in District 5. This will only apply to Ramsey County, and you'll have to write in "Joey Midwaye" because I'm not on the ballot (see what injustices I have to deal with?). If elected I promise to fully maintain my job AND keep everything cool.


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